VOLUME TWO Part five
JUNE 2000

Water As An Information Store

The organization of protein and lipid chains in space has a mirror in the water molecule as we have seen. Water is a polar molecule(as is ethyl alcohol), it has positive and negative charges separated by a dipole length and thus an electric dipole. The electronegativity of the oxygen atom attracts the electron of the hydrogen molecule. Thus the region about the oxygen is negative compared to that around the hydrogen atoms. Thus, water molecules mutually attract one another due to their (-) and (+) regions. Individual water molecules are linked by these hydrogen bonds and form what are called clusters. Water has the capacity to align into 400-500 layers ("Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life", Gerald H. Pollack). At body temperature, there are about 300-400 water molecules cross-linked into a cluster. It is known from electronics that different patterns which contain information result within a cluster depending upon its structure. An example is gamma-iron used for the recording of information in digital form. Thus, depending on its structure, each molecule has an oscillatory pattern which can be determined by spectroscopy. Both water and ethyl alcohol are able to be entrained to oscillatory patterns by rearranging their cluster patterns which persist through time. This entrainment is also able to be determined by spectroscopy. This is the basis of the homeopathic theraputic mode.

Homeopathic preparations of high potency are also of high dilution. Using both specroscopy and signal analysis, the frequencies of the original extract are easily detected at dilutions where none of the original extracted compound is present. This cannot be explained on the basis of pure substance-related thinking, as a homeopathic high potency preparation accordingly ought not to contain anything other than water and ethyl alcohol. This is not the case as homeopathic preparations of high dilution also contain photons and phonons. Thus, in addition to mass, there is an incalculable quantity of information. In homeopathic therapy the preparation(at homeopathic high potencies only the information of the preparation) resonates with the resonators of the body.

Many examples which substantiate this phenomenon are presented in the article and will not be repeated here. Please read the original article.

According to the ideas of chemistry, patients only receive a water-alcohol mixture. This view does not take into account the fact that as well as weighable matter with a rest mass, there are also particles without rest mass. These include quanta of electromagnetic waves(photons), quanta of the weak interactions(bosons) and of sound(phonons) which are significant in BRT. Sound for example cannot be weighed, but no-one disputes that ultrasound has an effect on the body or that music can alter a person's mood. What matters is not how high the sound level is, but to what extent the conveyed information or the signal resonates or coincides with the resonator.

Water molecules line up in an electric field because of their bipolar nature. If the field direction is reversed, the molecules will about-face. As long as the frequency of the imposed field is not too high, water molecules will continue to flip with the imposed frequency. When the frequency is raised beyond a critical value, the water molecules will no longer be able to respond in timely fashion. For ordinary water, the critical frequency for this weakening is 20 GHz. In structural water, the frequency drops to 10 KHz. Frequencies below these limits allow the structural water to move in resonance. Alternating current frequencies (50 Hz, 60 Hz) are well within this range.

Lastly, when water is boiled or evaporates, it losses its ability to retain information. It then acquires the information in the environment in which it finds itself upon cooling. Thus, the rainy weather we receive is a means of replenishing local information stores of the environment we inhabit.

DigiBio- From "Water Memory" effects To "Digital Biology"

  1. Water is capable of carrying molecular information (biological messages), and
  2. that it is possible to record, transmit and amplify this information, as can be done for sounds and music.

Journal Overview