E. F. Block


The impetus to write this work originated in dream-state. The author had just finished an article dealing with the subject of the secrets to maintaining a healthy and long life. The author then put forth the idea that he was open to beginning the next creative project. A few days later, the idea of explaining the essential role that water plays in allowing for life as we know it to occur and that we should be very careful to guard the "purity of essence", as General Jack D. Ripper in the movie entitled Dr. Strangelove obsessed about, in regards to the purity of the water that we consume in our food and drinking water. While it is true that we need to be aware of the horrific burden that modern chemistry has unleashed upon us in the name of "Better Living Through Chemistry" that has instead become a nightmare burden of pollution that spans the entire globe, it is more to the point of elucidating the nature of water in absorbing the quality of the energy that it has been in contact with in an intimate manner.

Water is described as a "universal solvent" in terms of the science of chemistry. Without water, there could be no life, as we know it. No other complex environmental system that has so far been studied has yielded any form of sentient life except those that contain water. The author would go so far as to say that any form of artificial intelligence (AI) produced by man would never obtain sentience. This fact is due to the physical properties of the movement of energy through matter, i.e., chemistry. While the science of physics deals with the fundamental properties of energy and matter, chemistry deals with the changes in matter as energy passes through that matter. Biology deals with the temporary suspension of the Second Law of Thermodynamics of physics. Biology deals with the storage and directed use of energy as it passes through matter. Energy stored as high-energy phosphate bonds and polymers of hydrocarbons. Water is a necessary component of the systems that have evolved to allow the storage of energy as high-energy phosphate bonds and polymers of hydrocarbons. The storage batteries utilized by mostly silicon-based machines as AI are not what confer sentience. Sentience is a composite of many physical structures, energetic pathways, chemical events and biological imperatives. The biological imperative is supplied by resident polymeric structures referred to as RNA and DNA. There is no counterpart to RNA/DNA in AI. To date, a programmer separate from the system supplies that imperative function.

Some describe Biology as the Chemistry of carbon compounds, an oversimplification in the opinion of the author. While carbon compounds are indeed a vital component of all living systems, it is water that allows these compounds to exist and to function in all living systems. Water dissolves matter and provides a medium for the building of complex substances. The physical properties of water allow for life to exist and prosper. The physical, chemical and biological properties of water will be thoroughly described and discussed in detail. Still, it is that almost magical property of water to take on the quality of the energy that it is in intimate contact with that is the most important subject for elucidation, description and discussion. In questioning, it is perhaps more to the point to inquire as to the reasons that water seems to be a negative energy sink. What happens to all of that "negative" energy? Is negatively charged water "good" for life processes? This appears to be a very interesting avenue of continued research.

The Physical Properties of Water

If you really want to delve into the physico-chemical properties of matter, please read the literature plentifully available elsewhere concerning the subject. Only the important details concerning water in the context of this article will be forthcoming in this work. Wikipedia has a very good description of water - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water . An very interesting article on water structure and science may be found here - http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/vibrat.html .

Water is unique in that it is the only natural substance that is found in all three states -- liquid, solid (ice), and gas (steam or vapor) -- at the temperatures normally found on Earth. The water cycle of the earth shows that it is constantly interacting, changing, and moving.

Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (F) and boils at 212 degrees F (at sea level, but 186.4° at 14,000 feet). In fact, water's freezing and boiling points are the baseline with which temperature is measured: 0 degrees on the Celsius scale is water's freezing point, and 100 degrees is water's boiling point.

The freezing of water molecules causes their mass to occupy a larger volume. When water freezes it expands rapidly adding about 9% by volume. Fresh water has a maximum density at around 4° Celsius. Water is the only substance on this planet where the maximum density of its mass does not occur when it becomes solidified. Water is unusual in that the solid form, ice, is less dense than the liquid form. This is why ice floats and this fact is what allows life to exist in lakes and rivers during the winter months. The water in the seas and oceans has so much salt in them that this lowers the freezing point of the water such that no ice forms in them. The ice found in the seas and oceans are formed of fresh water only.

Water in a pure state has a neutral pH. As a result, absolutely pure water is neither acidic nor basic. Water changes its pH when substances are dissolved in it. Rain has a naturally acidic pH of about 5.6 because it contains naturally derived carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide that form carbonic acid and sulphurous acid respectively.

Water is transparent to visible light, and thus aquatic plants can live within the water because sunlight used for photosynthesis can reach them. The electromagnetic spectrum is otherwise a source of energy absorption and activation for performing chemical changes in the aqueous medium.

Water has a high specific heat index. This means that water can absorb a lot of heat before it begins to get hot. The high specific heat index of water also helps regulate the rate at which air changes temperature, which is why the temperature change between seasons is gradual rather than sudden, especially near the oceans.

Water has a very high surface tension. In other words, water is sticky and elastic, and tends to clump together in drops rather than spread out in a thin film. Surface tension is responsible for what is known as capillary action, which allows water (and its dissolved substances) to move through the roots of plants and through the tiny blood vessels in our bodies.

Pure water has a low electrical conductivity, but this increases significantly upon solvation (dissolution) of a small amount of ionic material.

Here is a quick rundown of some of the properties of water:

  1. Weight: 62.416 pounds per cubic foot at 32°F
  2. Weight: 61.998 pounds per cubic foot at 100°F
  3. Weight: 8.33 pounds/gallon, 0.036 pounds/cubic inch
  4. Density: 1 gram per cubic centimeter (cc) at 39.2°F, 0.95865 gram per cc at 212°F

The Chemistry of Water

These resources have a good description of the properties and chemistry of water:

  • http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/water/index_low.jsp?id=properties
  • http://www.science.uwaterloo.ca/~cchieh/cact/applychem/waterchem.html
  • http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/hbond.html

Water is a substance composed of two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms and also known as aqua, di-hydrogen monoxide or hydrogen hydroxide. The molecule of water has one hydrogen bonded to the oxygen that is in turn bonded with another hydrogen such that at any given moment the bond angle between the two atoms of hydrogen is 104.5 degrees. This fact is what gives water a very important and unique chemical property - it is a polar compound. Water is a polar compound because of the fact that the hydrogen atoms have "donated" their orbiting single electron to the oxygen atom. Oxygen is termed as a more electronegative atom than hydrogen. Therefore the oxygen will have the tendency to attract the two orbiting hydrogen electrons closer to its nucleus rather that to the nuclei of the two hydrogen atoms. This has the result of making the water molecule to have a positive end towards the two hydrogen atoms and a negative end at the oxygen atom. Since the outer orbit of oxygen now has 8 electrons in it that completes the requirement specified by the oxygen nucleus, one of the hydrogen atoms has the tendency to wander off away from the molecule as the remaining hydrogen has two electrons in its outer orbital as required by its nucleus. Thus when lots of water molecules congregate together, water has the natural tendency to be slightly acidic due the quantity of dissolved carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide that combine with water vapor and rain water to form carbonic acid and hydrosulfurous acid. It is the positively charged and ionized hydrogen atoms within the mixture at any given moment in time, free protons (positively charged, hydrogen atom ions) that are acidic. This leaves the hydroxyl ion (the remaining molecule of one oxygen atom and the one bonded hydrogen atom) as negatively charged ion due to the "extra" shared electron and that also for the bicarbonate/hydrosulfurate negative ions. This event of proton separation happens many times a second as does the re-combination into the di-hydrogen oxide form of the molecule. It is the net final result under the physical and chemical conditions that exists at that moment, which yields the detectable relative amounts of ions in the mixture. Remember that I stated the water is a polar molecule. Some of the positive ends of water are attracted to the negative ends of other water molecules and to the hydroxyl/bicarbonate/hydrosulfurate ions. Some of the free protons are attracted to the negative ends of the water molecules and other hydroxyl ions. It is the net result of all of the interactions that yields the final detectable relative balance of all of the component ions. In describing the relative balance of (+) and (-) ions, the concept of pH was developed. The range of pH is 14 as extremely basic to 1 as extremely acidic. Neutral is described as a pH of 7.

It is also the attraction of the positive and negative ends that have the tendency to make water "sticky" or cohesive, especially with other water molecules. This is also where hydrogen bonding comes into play. The hydrogen covalently bonded to the oxygen of the same water molecule has an attraction for the oxygen of another water molecule. This is where the stringiness of frozen water comes into play, the formation of rigid water polymers upon freezing. This is the main reason water is less dense as ice than as liquid water. Liquid water is more compact than the expanded strings of rigid frozen water.

The water cycle is a complex environmental system that is but one part of the weather patterns on this planet Earth. The winds that we experience are due to the solar radiation that heats the air surrounding the earth and the Coriolis effect (the drag that the rotating earth places on the atmosphere). Air is heated by solar radiation and cools in the shade. Heated air will evaporate water from the surface of standing bodies of water (oceans, seas, lakes and rivers). As stated before, water vapor will absorb carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide molecules from the atmosphere and become ionized into free protons and bicarbonate/hydrosulfurate ions. Thus, all rainwater is slightly acidic and this accounts for the weathering of rock by dissolution. Thus, dissolved rock is the origin of the mineral ions found in water. The free proton (+)-bicarbonate (-) system forms a buffer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffer_solution). It is this buffer that is the basis for the buffering system of all the fluids found in living cells and organisms. All living system produce heat, water and carbon dioxide as the waste products during the production of high-energy phosphate bonds derived from various hydrocarbon polymers (starches and sugars). Thus, all living systems produce their own buffering system.

Water has the additional property of forming an interface with all solid surfaces and the atmosphere. This is what is described as the surface tension of water. Remember that water has the property of "sticking" (due to cohesiveness) to other water molecules and thus forms a "membrane" at surface interfaces. It is the surface tension of water that makes air-water boundaries distinctive microhabitats, especially for living microorganisms.

Another highly significant property of water is the solubility of oxygen molecules in water. The fact that oxygen molecules are less abundant and diffuse more slowly in water than in air has been a strong selective force in the evolution of respiratory systems in both terrestrial and aquatic animals. The solubility of oxygen in blood, interstitial fluid and the digestive tract contents plays a huge roll in human physiology and cell biology.

In regards to plants, infrared light does not contain enough energy for photosynthesis. Ultra-violet light on the other hand has too much energy, and in a sense cannot be controlled by plants. UV light intercepted by plants (and us) can create free radicals, which are able then to break helpful and necessary chemical bonds in an organism. This is detrimental to the plant. Because of this, plants have pigments to protect them from UV light. Visible light, however, seem to be just right for plants to use to move electrons around. Plants take carbon dioxide and water and make hydrocarbon compounds while releasing oxygen. In fact, it is the algae in the upper layers of the waters of the Earth that produce most of the oxygen that we breathe and is necessary for us to survive.

The Biology of Water

Water is obviously of major importance to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90 percent of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60 percent of the human body is water, the brain is composed of 70 percent water and the lungs are nearly 90 percent water. About 83 percent of our blood is water, which helps in the distribution of nutrients, the transport waste products, and the control body temperature. Each day humans must replace about 2.4 liters of water; some through drinking, while the rest is taken from the foods eaten. Water leaves the body through the lungs as exhaled water vapor, through the urogenital system as urine, through the digestive tract as feces, from the mouth as expectorated substances and from the skin as sweat.

A tube within a tube supported by an internally enclosed rigid frame encompasses the human body. The inner tube is of alimentary tract mucosa. The rigid shape-supporting frame is of bone and connective tissues. The outer tube is of skin. The space within the inner tube is really outside of the body, just like that outside of the skin. The space encompassed by the outer and inner tubes comprises the living space of our bodies. This inner space is awash in a "sea" of water. It is the quality of this water that is of paramount importance to our health.

Just as the living entity of the coral remains in place within the environment of the ocean, so do our cells live in place within the environment of our inner sea. Just as the coral entity secrets its home as the non-living coral reef as calcium carbonate, so do our cells secret their home as the non-living extracellular matrix type (some 200 types) within the cellular tissue. Just as the coral reef is subject to the vagaries of the ocean environment, so also is the tissue (cells and extracellular matrix type) subject to the vagaries of the sea within the body. And just as the health of the coral reef is dependent upon the quality of the ocean water, so are the tissues of the body dependent upon the quality of the water in our "sea".

So, just what (where, when and how) determines the "quality" of water (who)? These are the essential parameters of this discussion. Water (who) is the identity in question. Where depends upon the immediate local of the water in question. When refers to the components of the clocking and rhythmic influences of the immediate environment of the water. What refers to the quality of the water. And perhaps the most interesting is the question of how the water quality got to be that way. If we can understand the how, we can make changes that guarantee that we get the best quality water for our living circumstances. Yes, it is the purity of the essence of water that is of paramount importance for our health! Now as to why, we need to know how to preserve our essence with the understanding gained from experience that will enable us to lead long and productive lives.

The Essence Of Water

WHAT? Water is the what, Di-Hydrogen Oxide.

WHERE? Water is all around us to varying degree. For this discussion, what are most pertinent are the water within our bodies, the water that is our inner sea and also the water that we consume in our drinks and foods to sustain ourselves.

WHEN? Be here now! This is an admonition to be in the moment of our life circumstances. This moment is but a slice of the all-encompassing rhythm of the universe. The only thing that does not change is change itself. Thus life circumstances are in constant flux within the backdrop of the rhythmic fluctuations of our Solar System, our Galaxy and the universal entirety. However, we notice patterns that seem to repeat as we live our daily existence. These include the rise and set of the Sun, Moon and planets within the backdrop of the Milky Way.

WHY? Well, I suppose it is so that we, as those persons living in this post-industrial age in the USA, can maintain our purity of essence: that most significant element, quality, or aspect of a thing or person. Too much that is being manufactured in these times is detrimental to maintaining one of the most significant qualities of our beingness - health! What are we to do about this aspect of our daily lives? How do we better preserve our health?

HOW? Ah! Now we truly begin the path to gaining wisdom (knowledge + understanding = wisdom).


  1. Physical, chemical and biological properties of water
  2. Water that is in the gaseous or vapor state does not seem to acquire any organizing energetic influences derived from the immediate environment
  3. Water that becomes a liquid state seems to readily and actively acquire organizing energetic influences from the immediate environment
  4. Life began and developed within the natural environment of the earth that includes gaseous, liquid and solid substances
  5. 5. Mankind has developed the means to radically alter the natural environment


  1. Mankind has polluted the natural environment of the Earth through gross ignorance, vanity, arrogance and greed
  2. This pollution is tainting the purity of our inner sea
  3. Either we adapt to these changes, remove these changes or pass away


There is much that is in print that concerns the nature of water and its ability to absorb the quality of the energy with which it comes in contact. The most respected source of theory and explanation in the more right-brain scope is in regard to the medical practice of Homeopathy.

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeopathy - a good background stating both sides of the issue
  2. http://nccam.nih.gov/health/homeopathy/) - the US Federal government's stated view of homeopathy
  3. http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/homeop.html#benven - a very comprehensive study on water that encompasses water hydration shells and homeopathy
  4. http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/memory.html - shows that water takes on the energy of a substance and "remembers" that energy

The most respected secondary right-brain source is the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto.

  1. http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/e_ome_home.html - explains his techniques and has pictures of his results
  2. http://www.hado.net/index.php - more information and pictures

The left-brain scope encompasses the scientific disciplines of physics and chemistry.

  1. http://witcombe.sbc.edu/water/chemistrystructure.html - good general background information
  2. http://www.eurekalert.org/features/doe/2004-05/dlac-uts050604.php - shows new evidence for hydrogen bonding and hydration shells
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_cluster - general background information on hydration shells, etc.
  4. http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/index2.html - excellent information of hydration shells, homeopathy, water memory, etc.
  5. http://newscenter.lbl.gov/press-releases/2006/06/26/curtain-may-be-closing-on-scientific-water-controversy/ - new evidence that shows the tetrahedral structure of water


As is the case in so many scientific endeavors, fringe element right-brain oriented researchers are increasingly being shown to be correct in their assertions. Water does indeed take on the energy from the materials that it encounters and remembers the quality of that energy. This has been show to be true statement through research at several highly respected centers of scientific endeavor! This research evidence combined with the photographic evidence by Dr. Emoto shows that water is most definitely affected by elements in the environment resulting in both positive and negative consequences for the health of individuals. It is the naturopathic and TCM concept that states that all illness is due to non-resonance between the individual and some element of their environment. Since the food that we eat is still outside of the body until it is absorbed across the intestinal mucosa, food that we eat is part of our environment. In some manner the CNS brain and/or Enteric brain has gotten some form of trauma (physical, mental, emotional) associated with a particular food or component of the food and labeled it as dangerous. Thus, when consumed or if particularly sensitive to the substance in the immediate environment, people become allergic to that food or substance. This non-resonance eventually causes disease. Restore resonance and eliminate the allergic response and health is once again at hand.

Homeopathy works on this principle of restoring resonance. TCM strives to balance the body and eliminate waste and toxic substances. Water-alcohol dilutions are used with homeopathy. TCM uses teas and foods to accomplish healing. Water is an essential component of both types of medicine.


Good water may be found in natural artesian wells, artificially dug wells, mountain streams and the like. Excellent pure water may be drawn from deep aquifers as it has passed through many layers of rock and earth that has the property of removing harmful substances. Glacial runoff is good as it is many years older than the top layers that are polluted. The obvious thing to be aware of is the material in which the water has passed before you get it to drink.

Making bad water good is not difficult but needs some work and time to accomplish. The best way to obtain good water from bad is to boil the water and let it cool is a pleasant environment. Distilled water gotten from polyethylene jugs is ok but still from plastic. This water needs to have a little bit of sun evaporated sea salt added since distilled water has the property of leaching minerals out of the body. This is good if you have heavy metals in the body that you want to get rid of but not for everyday usage, as it will severely deplete beneficial minerals in time.

Notice that it was stated "in a pleasant environment". This means where no deleterious spurious energies in the area can re-contaminate the water as it becomes a liquid. This is where the concept of harmful geopathic stressors and spurious EMF from AC electricity and electrical equipment come into play. The subject of geopathic stress is controversial only because it is difficult to assess by left-brain persons. The deleterious effects of EMF are well documented. Check out Google.com to search for relevant information.

Glass is the best substance for containers. PET plastics have plasticizers in it that are inimical to health. Plasticizers for plastics are additives, most commonly phthalates that give hard plastics like polyvinylchloride (PVC) the desired flexibility and durability. They are often based on esters of polycarboxylic acids with linear or branched aliphatic alcohols of moderate chain length. These compounds persist in the plastic and get into the food and water that are inside them. Always get your liquids from a polyethylene (PE) container, as there is no plasticizer present. Look for the symbol on the bottom of the container and look for the numbers 2 and 4 but stay away from numbers 1 and 3. Still, glass is the better container. All preserved foods that were not in cans was in bottles of glass but no longer. Plastic is now cheaper than glass but it contaminates our food and water with plasticizers. Plasticizers are particularly harmful in infants (plastic feeding bottles and nipples).

Making sun tea is a very good way to obtain a healthy drink. Just place your water with added herbal component in the sunlight and let it sit in the direct sunlight all day.

Directed intent seems to be effective in turning bad water into being something good. This is the basis for blessing our food and drink before meals.

Thus, it is easier to filter out the bad things in water, as these are physical substances. Cleaning water of deleterious energies is fraught with controversy. Basically all that people can do is see the effect of cleaned water on their body, mind and spirit. If it works, use it!

The Journal of Bioelectromagnetic Medicine