Organically Induced Trance States
Draco Zyzzyx
Copyright, all rights reserved
Updated February 2010


This writing is dedicated to those whom seek wisdom and are not intimidated by society in order to obtain that wisdom. This writing is dedicated to those whom push the boundaries of their own lack of knowledge in pursuit of the experience of realizing the pattern that is revealed to them in everyday reality. This writing is dedicated to those whom seek to develop and integrate their consciousness to its full potential and beyond!

Chapter One - Background as to Altered States

This is written in order to assist others in gaining a perspective in the use of trance inducing substances for the purpose of the growth, development and integration of consciousness. Also, it is written to impart my experiences and knowledge gained in this lifetime to those likewise on this path of enlightenment. Thus, this writing may be used both as a guide for the use of trance inducing substances and a means of confirming similar experiences in the use of those substances.

Those with a substance abuse issue would be advised to wake up to this fact and act accordingly. Go to this website for more information concerning facts about drug abuse problems.

The trance inducing substances that are being referred to are:

  1. Tetra-hydrocannabinol (THC) found in species of Cannabis and commonly known as marijuana:
    Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica
  2. Psilocybin found in 186 species of certain genera of mushrooms: A Worldwide Geographical Distribution of the Neurotropic Fungi, An Analysis and Discussion, by Guzmán G., Allen J.W. and Garrtz J., Annali dei Museo civico - Rovereto, Italia. 2000. vol 14:1890280. (in English)
  3. Ibotenic acid which is metabolized into Muscimol (the active compound), from the mushrooms of the Amanita species which are known as Soma, the "Food of the Gods": Amanita muscaria, A. pantherina, A. gemmata, A. cothurnata, A. frostiana, A. crenulata, A. strobiliformus, Tricholoma muscarium
  4. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), also known as "acid" and the only totally man-made substance of the group

These compounds are termed "psychotropic", which means that they have mind-altering affects on psychic function, behavior, or experience. Since THC, Psilocybin and Muscimol are natural substances, they have been used by peoples the world over for millennia. LSD has been around since Dr. Hoffman first synthesized it in 1938 at the Sandoz Laboratories in Switzerland. The question to be discussed is the propensity for and need by intelligent individuals for the use of hallucinogenic substances. I personally found the experiences to be both fun and entertaining during my period of experimentation. I experimented both alone and with one or more individuals. In all cases, the experiences were positive.

I used the words "trance inducing". To my way of thinking, this is the more appropriate terminology rather than consciousness expanding, hallucinogenic or mind-altering. The reason for this is that this term "trance inducing" is a simpler, more encompassing and scientifically correct usage. It seems that the meaning of the word "trance" is subject to much debate by psychologists, hypnotists and cognitive behavioralists. Consequently, I will discuss my reasoning for the usage of "trance inducing".

At the age of 4 years, I spontaneously started to meditate in full lotus position while repetitively chanting the word "wisdom" and focusing my attention on my "third eye". As my family was not acquainted with the practices of Raja Yoga, I brought into this lifetime knowledge gained in my previous incarnation as a Yogi in India. I knew how to meditate and control certain bodily functions. Knowledge that young, white, middle-class boys in Southern California in the late 1940's were not privy to. At a Midwestern University in the early 1970's working towards a Doctorate in Behavior, I started experimenting with LSD and THC. I then began practicing Trancendental Meditation in 1973. I rapidly surpassed my teachers and started a course of meditational exercises on my own as I had found the TM exercises to be not of sufficient quality for my purposes. After graduation in 1974, I intensified my intuitively derived exercises and deepened my practice. I began working in New Zealand in July of 1975. I also began meditating 14 to 16 hours a day while not actually working, eating or doing the necessary chores. One day in May of 1976 while conducting my work duties, I discovered a source of absolutely gigantic Amanita muscaria . I experimented with "Soma". In July of 1977 I returned to the USA and ended my experimentation with hallucinogens. I continued my meditations. In September of 1978 I became a successfully practicing Hypnotherapist.

All the above to get across the point that I am very well conversant with all aspects of "trance" states. Trance by my definition is any causal event that turns the focus of the mind from external circumstances to the internal milieu of the body. The causes of inducing trance are many. Trance may be entered into by simply closing the eyes, watching anything mesmerizing such as television, listening to a hypnotic speaker, or ingesting substances with hallucinogenic properties. Thus, "trance inducing" literally means anything or event that turns the focus of attention by the mind from the circumstances of the outer world we live in to the inner world that is our personal beingness of mind, emotion and body.

The type of experience is determined by many factors: time of day/night, mood, setting, friend(s) sharing the experience, partners and environment. It is best to choose the setting and environment for comfort and as few intrusive elements as possible. The Nervous System (NS) needs at least three days to recover from the effects of a "trip" due to cell membrane surface receptor replacement turnover. Thus I "tripped" on Friday night so as to recover in time to go to school or work on Monday and then "trip" the next weekend.

It is helpful to be intitated into the ins and outs of the 'trip' by someone whom you trust for your first experiences. I started out more or less on my own and learned the processes through trial and error. The process of personality disintegration, transcendence and reintegration for me were always positive, healing and enlightening.

Chapter Two - The Man With Two Brains

In order to gain an understanding as to what happens to the body during substance induced trance states, it is necessary to describe man's second brain. J. N. Langley in 1921 described the Autonomic Nervous System. He described three parts to this system: the Sympathetic (fight or flight), the Parasympathetic (eat and sleep) and the Enteric (second brain). The chemical modulator for the Sympathetic NS is norepinephrine (NE). The chemical modulator for the Parasympathetic NS is acetylcholine (ACh). The chemical modulator of the Enteric NS (ENS) is primarily Serotonin (5-HT) and secondarily Substance P. There are 100 million nerve cells in the gut (ENS), which is similar to the number found in the Spinal cord. The vagus nerve connects the ENS to the Brain and has approximately 2000 nerves. If you cut the vagus nerve, the ENS functions normally. The ENS is capable of ignoring commands from the Brain, i.e., it is a second brain. The ENS makes Over 95% of the Serotonin found in the body. Because the Enteric Brain functions separately from the Cranial Brain, it is important to treat the abdomen as a separate unit apart from the Central N.S. (CNS=Cranial Brain and Spinal Cord). All of the neurotransmitters found in the CNS are also found in the Enteric Brain. The Enteric brain is capable of responding to environmental influences and thus the term "gut feeling" takes on significance.

In most cases, consumed hallucinogenic substances are by oral means. Absorption occurs in the Small Intestine that is surrounded by the Enteric Brain, as is all the parts of the Gastrointestinal Tract (stomach, intestines, colon). This accounts for the feeling of being sick and wanting to vomit due to the various alkaloids found in the whole plant consumed, such as Peyote. But more to the point are the active hallucinogenic compounds that are altering the characteristics of the cell surface receptors on the nerve membranes for the various neurotransmitters. The active substances are taking the place of the normal neurotransmitters and essentially blocking normal coordinating reflexes. This accounts for the mind-altering properties and feelings of unease. The CNS is affected secondarily and the Enteric Brain zooms ahead. In the case of inhalation, the effects are simultaneous as the blood distributes the active compounds to all parts of the body quickly. The CNS stimulates the Adrenal glands to produce epinephrine and norepinephrine. The effect of the epinephrine is not as long lasting as that of norepinephrine and the Parasympathetic N.S. gains ascendance. This produces the trance state quality. I have found that concomitantly eating Vitamin C as well as the trance inducing material quickly eases the feelings of unease and speeds the transition from Sympathetic ascendance to Parasympathetic ascendance. Vitamin C is required by the Adrenal Glands for synthesis of Adrenalin (epinephrine) and Noradrenalin (norepinephrine). Transcendence occurs when the CNS gains ascendance over the ENS in its effect and the conscious mind (usually the left hemisphere) lets the parasympathetically-stimulated elements of the brain come into consciousness which normally remain in the realm of the unconscious (usually the right hemisphere). Since personality is now disintegrated, one may delve into the particular aspects of the consciousness that demands attention. The traumas that have arrested behavioral integration now come up again to be dealt with and put to rest so that emotional and mental healing may occur with new integration and expansion of awareness.

Chapter Three - THC

As with most all psychoactive compounds, THC is a naturally occurring brain biochemical substance. When smoking marijuana, hashish or eating spiked brownies; the THC in the blood rapidly crosses the Blood-Brain-Barrier and is in higher than normal concentrations in the CNS. The effects are with rapid onset and of a more intense nature if inhaled and slower onset with milder effects if oral. THC seems to affect the ENS more strongly than the CNS. This accounts for the "munchies" and feelings of sexual arousal. I find that the trance state induced is fairly typical of deep meditation. I have been able to consciously stop time around me while continuing to be conscious and having an active dialogue with myself until I decide to start time again, whereupon all around me starts up again. Out-of -the-body experiences are fairly typical with higher doses. The marijuana obtained may be of different quality due to the various factors in the growing microclimate and species variety. The species variety for making rope and clothing is not for getting high. Smoking marijuana tars up the lungs more than tobacco. Vitamin C and a cleansing diet help to allay the effects of lung debilitation.

Since I am in my head most of the time I found that marijuana enabled me to get close to others on a level I am not consciously able to do so otherwise. I am much more personable and able to tune into what is going on around me on the more basal levels. The trance state while alone allows me to tune into what needs paying attention to for healing, back-scanning and organizational planning. I seem to lose that aggressive edge and am able to enjoy the flow of events in a more body-oriented manner. The senses seem to me to be more pleasant and enjoyable. As the consequences of smoking Cannabis tend to lead to a trance-like sleep, persons of the Middle East routinely drink strong and very sweet coffee while smoking Cannabis or hashish. It is not prudent to consume alcohol and smoke at the same time as the alcohol greatly deepens the mild body stone and depressive effects of smoking Cannabis.

The effects are relatively short lived, perhaps a half an hour or so. However it is quite intense and enjoyable while it lasts. Marijuana is a powerful aphrodisiac as well you might suspect. It also aids in the alleviation of pain in the body and is the reason for 'medical usage'.

Chapter Four - Psilocybin

Perhaps the most famous center for consciousness development in the Western World in early times was at the 'Elysian Fields' near the ancient city of Athens. The early Christian church out of profound ignorance and stupidity, a characteristic commonly found in most religious bureaucracies, destroyed this center as it also destroyed almost all of the rich medical knowledge of Greece and Egypt. One family operated this center for over 600 years. After a 3 month long period of preparation, the final night of 'enlightenment' came after the consumption of an elixir containing a Psilocybe extract. The preparation, the setting and the elixir produced what is described by all whom partook of the ritual as "a life altering experience". Many of the nobles and voting members of Athenian society were graduates of this experience.

This speaks to us of the profound usefulness of Psilocybe species of mushrooms for psychological healing, both emotional and mental. Used properly, psilocybin is a powerful ally in correcting the ills of society by showing us the nature of the artifice of human endeavors. It truly allows us to see, understand and know the reality of our existence rather than that which those whom would control our minds want us to know. It shows us the illusions, myths and perversions of truth as perpetuated by those in control of our society, our religions and our educational institutions. It goes without saying that this is the reason for the persecution of those whom would know the truth of our reality.

Psilocybin is found mostly in the superficial peel and just below the peel of the stems of the mushroom, as it is a means of keeping the slugs, snails, sow bugs and other detritus eaters from eating the maturing fruiting body that is the cap. I blend the stems in a cocktail of fruit juice and take Vitamin C and a B Vitamin complex. This eases the transition and helps keep the stressful effects to a minimum. The 'trip' lasts about 8 to 10 hours. I found that I would go through the Chakras from the Basal through each up the linear Chakral matrix to the Crown Chakra. I would experience the energy and consciousness of each in turn. The final 'mellow out' period was one of reintegration of consciousness and renewal of goal setting.

Chapter Five - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) or Acid

For a period of 3 years, I consumed ever-increasing dosages of Acid until I reached a point that no matter what dose I did consume, I did not 'get off'. This is because I was already 'off' in the conscious state. I started out with 1 'hit' and eventually ended up taking 5 or 6 to no avail.

Sometimes I would sit and just watch what was going on around me. LSD opens the filters in the Thalamus so that you see and hear everything (as well as feel, taste and smell everything). Synesthesia is quite a common occurrence. It got to be quite easy to know the dynamics of the interpersonal interactions I saw around me. Watching TV was a blast because you saw all the errors, cues and glances in addition to how the cameramen were reacting to what was going on. The same occurred with watching a movie.

Making love while under the influence of LSD is perhaps the most enjoyable experience I have ever had the privilege to share with another. I do not mean having sex, I mean making love! The feelings of oneness, the intensity of physical sensation, being together in all aspects of the shared experience, the afterglow, the discussion of life events, the goal setting and reintegration of personality and affirmation of being a couple all cannot compare with ordinary everyday experiences. As with all hallucinary experiences, set and setting are very important and careful planning of the experience goes a long way to augment the pleasures.

I participated in a street drug analysis program for 2 years while going to school and we never found adulterated LSD. All the scares about the Acid being laced with strychnine were unfounded and based upon the stimulatory effects to the second brain. I found the Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex to be very helpful in this regard for smoothing the transition from gut brain dominance to skull brain dominance.

Chapter Six - Muscimol

Before the creation of LSD by Dr. Hoffman, the most significant hallucinogen in the affairs of man was "Soma" or the Amanita species mushrooms. These mushrooms have been used in Shamanistic rituals for literally eons. It is responsible for the word 'Berserk" in the English language. The Berserkers were a tribe of Lapps in Northern Scandinavia. They would take Amanita mushrooms and stew them in water in an iron kettle. Then they would empty out the kettle and again fill it with fresh water. One person would drink their fill and become intoxicated. It usually takes from 45 minutes to 1 hour. Anything this person did while under the influence was legal. Other persons would drink the urine of the first person and become intoxicated with less trauma to their bodies. What they did was within the bounds of legality. Obviously, sometimes the first person went 'Berserk'.

Muscimol is the psychoactive constituent, and that following ingestion of ibotenic acid, a fraction of the material decarboxylates to muscimol, which then produces the inebriation. A brain chemical called GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) helps neurons stay finicky about which signals they respond to - a must for the brain to function at its peak and to discern patterns in the background noise and almost overwhelming amount of signal input.

Muscimol is a chemical called a GABA-enhancing compound that works by increasing sensitivity of neurons to GABA and binds to the GABA-A receptor. GABA and the GABA-enhancer muscimol have a relatively small effect in the young people, moderately increasing the percentage of cells that were selective for particular orientations and directions. In the older people, however, GABA and the GABA-enhancer muscimol have a much stronger effect, significantly increasing the percentage of highly selective cells.

After oral ingestion of ibotenic acid, a substantial percentage of the drug is excreted unaltered in the urine, but small amounts of muscimol are also excreted. This mechanism explains the urinary drug recycling practice. After ingestion of the mushroom, the celebrant would excrete substantial amounts of ibotenic acid in his urine. A second user ingesting the urine of the first, would cause some of the ibotenic acid to be decarboxylated to muscimol during digestion, producing inebriation when the muscimol was absorbed; and the bulk of the ibotenic acid would be re-excreted in his urine in turn. Thus a 100 mg dose of ibotenic acid might potentially represent four or five 10-15 mg doses of muscimol, and reports that one dose of mushrooms is recycled through four or five persons is certainly feasible

These mushrooms and the Psilocybe mushrooms are perhaps responsible for the eventual evolutionary thrust that separated man from his non-man progenitors. These hallucinogens are powerful inducers of lucid trance states, a fact to which I can personally attest.

In May of 1977, while on the job in one of the planted Pine forests of New Zealand, quite by serendipity, I discovered a colony of Amanita muscaria. The specimens were 12" to 16" tall and the open crowns were 9" to 12 " in diameter. I collected a few and stewed them in milk, as I had read that milk ameliorates the toxic effects. Since then, I have learned that merely drinking the strained decoction is enough. I ate the 4 cut up gigantic specimens, I should have just drank the decoction as it did a very negative effect on my digestive tract and liver due to the amatoxins ( I became allergic to milk and then all mammalian food products as a result. I have also learned that it is possible to roll a joint and smoke chopped up stem to achieve the same result. Burning the stem material destroys the harmful compounds but not the Ibotenic acid. Also, most of the active compound is found in the superficial peel and just under the skin peel.

For those contining to experiment with Soma, it might be a good idea to keep some Milk Thistle (Carduus marianus) oil handy as it has ingredients that reactivates the protein synthesis in the liver which is blocked by amanitin and other mushroom toxins. The herbal form, black seeds with tufts of white hairs, stimulates regeneration and formation of new liver cells.

I waited and nothing happened. I was quite disappointed. While out in the area again, I collected a few more specimens and again repeated my previous weeks stewing and consumption. Again, I waited but nothing happened. What a disappointment to be sure. "What could be wrong?" I asked myself. You must remember that I had gotten to the point of not getting off with the consumption of any quantity of LSD. I did not at first get this connection.

One week later, two weeks after the first consumption, my eyes swelled shut and seeped a thick, clear yellow fluid that lasted for one day. One week later and two weeks after the second consumption, the same thing happened again. This was a result of the harmful compounds on the liver. Other than this, nothing seemed to be happening. Oh, how wrong I was!

The effects steadily intensified and I 'peaked' one and one half years later. It took about 17 years to come down. I will never really know for sure since the experience changed my life forever.

A series of events culminated in this experience: The almost simultaneous beginning of Drug Experimentation and Deep Meditational Practice, this followed by loss of getting 'High' with drug consumption, then the intensification of Deep Meditative Practice and finally the consumption of 'Soma". My ability to read the thoughts of others and to project my thoughts to others so that they did what I wanted them to do became routine. I was able to 'see', converse with and make friends with 'spirit entities'. All while going about my daily life and working 8 hours a day. No-one ever said to me that they thought that I was acting strangely.

It became a task to keep up with the amount of information that came pouring into my consciousness. All the questions that I had ever asked and had not satisfied myself as to an answer came to me to 'see', mull over and integrate with a definitive answer. Many things became startlingly clear and interpersonal interactions became obvious as to the dynamics going on between the players. I became quite aware of the energy dynamics within and without my body. I became a self-realized being.

As the years passed, I lost many of the 'abilities' that I had possessed. What has remained is the aspect of being a self-realized human primate animal. Also what has remained is the assurance of my knowledge and wisdom, which deepens every passing year.

I must close with this admonition - using drugs is terribly hard on the body. You must make sure that you eat correctly, get enough sleep and wait at least 3 full days between sessions in order for cellular surface receptors to be replenished again. These herbal substances are ours to use as we see fit. However, as always we should be responsible in our actions at all times!

Copyright, all rights reserved
Draco Zyzzyx
May 2003, updated February 2010

Meditational Arts